Intellectual Property Planning Workshop
The IP Workshop outlines some of the best practices in the management of Intellectual Property and
then maps out steps to efficiently manage intellectual property and the new product pipeline.
IP Plan Workshop:
- Review the mission of the organization and match it with the IP goals.
- Review some of the major new product initiatives underway.
- Create
an organizational matrix of functional areas that must be involved in
the decision-making, the implementation and the operations of top
IP/product initiatives.
- Formulate a few key strategies for demonstration purposes.
- Start developing detailed plans for top strategies, as well as, generating general timelines for implementation.
- Create
an organizational matrix of functional areas that must be involved in
the decision-making, the implementation or the operations of top
strategy initiatives.
- Identify the processes necessary to conduct an IP Plan and the sponsors throughout the organization that will be needed.
- Draft the results and the recommendations of the IP Workshop with the information obtained from the workshop.
Workshop Outputs:
- IP core competencies
- IP and New Product Competitive Positioning
- Recommendations for the next steps to take in IP and Product Management
Duration and Location
The shorter form of a Planning Workshop might be two, half-day brainstorming sessions.
Longer workshops can be multiple days, usually four, half-day sessions.
are usually held on site to minimize travel time for participants. If
the situation warrants, SBP facilities or other off-site locations may
be used.